The Art (and Science) of Club Store Package Design

If we told you that Costco is the 3rd largest retailer on earth, would you be surprised?  Yes?  Well, you are not alone.  Few people realize just how large and prominent the club store industry has become.  Moreover, it has only gotten started, with the industry as a whole expected to grow at a 6% annual clip.

While the club store channel presents a tremendous opportunity for both large and small brands alike, it is also a very specialized retail environment with its own set of rules, conventions and potential pitfalls.  One of the biggest keys to success in the club store channel is understanding the what buyers and consumers look for in club store package design (hint: its much different than traditional package design).

Below is a SlideShare presentation that goes into detail about industry background, best practices and trends in the world of club store package design.  The slideshow is based on a presentation that we gave at the Packaging That Sells Conference in Chicago in October 2014.  Enjoy, and we would love to hear your thoughts and/or questions.

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